Tesla Powerwall vs Other Home Batteries

October 10, 2021

Tesla Powerwall vs Other Home Batteries

As the demand for electric vehicles increases, the need for efficient home batteries that can charge them is also on the rise. Tesla is a well-known leader in the electric vehicle industry, and they offer their own brand of home battery, the Powerwall. In this blog post, we will compare the Tesla Powerwall with other home batteries in the market and help you decide which one is best for you.

Tesla Powerwall

The Tesla Powerwall is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery that stores excess solar energy during the day and makes it available for use at night. It can also draw electricity from the grid during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper and make it available during peak hours when electricity is more expensive. The Powerwall has a capacity of 13.5 kWh and is compatible with most solar panel systems. It can power an average home for up to 48 hours during a power outage.

Other Home Batteries

There are several other home batteries in the market, such as:


The LG Chem RESU is a compact, wall-mounted lithium-ion battery that comes in several sizes, ranging from 3.3 kWh to 16 kWh. It is designed to store energy from solar panels, and it can also be charged from the grid during off-peak hours. The LG Chem RESU can power an average home for up to 8 hours during a power outage.

Sonnen eco

The Sonnen eco is a modular lithium-ion battery that can be customized to fit the energy needs of any home. It can store excess energy from solar panels or draw energy from the grid during off-peak hours. The Sonnen eco can power an average home for up to 10 hours during a power outage.

Enphase Encharge

The Enphase Encharge is a lithium-ion battery that is designed to work with the Enphase solar panel system. It comes in three sizes, ranging from 3.4 kWh to 10.1 kWh. It can power an average home for up to 7 hours during a power outage.


Let's compare the Tesla Powerwall with the other home batteries:

Battery Model Capacity (kWh) Power Output (kW) Warranty (years) Price
Tesla Powerwall 13.5 5.0 10 $6,500
LG Chem RESU 3.3-16 5.0 10 $5,500-$10,000
Sonnen eco Customizable 8.0 10 $9,950 + installation
Enphase Encharge 3.4-10.1 3.8 10 $6,500-$9,500

As you can see, the Tesla Powerwall has the largest capacity and the highest power output among the home batteries we compared. It also has a warranty of 10 years, which matches the warranty of the other batteries. However, it is also the most expensive. If you have a larger home or need a lot of energy, the Tesla Powerwall may be the best choice for you. But if you have a smaller home or want to save some money, the LG Chem RESU or the Enphase Encharge may be better options.


  1. Tesla Powerwall
  2. LG Chem RESU
  3. Sonnen eco
  4. Enphase Encharge

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